Irish Nephrology Society

Sinéad Kinsella Bursary Submission Guidelines



2 page (maximum) description of the research project


Brief Introduction (1 short paragraph)

The remainder to be comprised of the following sections:




Provisional results


Potential Impact of the project


Dissemination plan for results




Supervision and research infrastructure


Location where recipient will be undertaking the research


Confirmation that the INS research bursary will be acknowledged as part of the funding section of all research output undertaken by the recipient during the period funded by the bursary

Awardees will give a talk at the following INS ASM to discuss how the bursary advanced their career and acknowledge the sponsor associated with the award that year

Submissions selected for shortlisting will be asked to submit a more detailed proposal to go for peer review.

The INS reserves the right to not award the bursary if the submission are not deemed of a sufficient merit and the award will be carried over.

Abstract application is now closed.

Irish Nephrology Society

Dr. Sinéad Kinsella

Dr. Sinéad Kinsella

Dr. Sinéad Kinsella

M.B., B.Ch., B.A.O., M.Sc. (Health Management), Ph.D.

1975 – 2016

Sinéad Kinsella, a proud native of Wexford, graduated from UCC Medical School in 2000. She was Intern of the Year in Cork University Hospital before completing Basic Speciality Training in Medicine in Cork and progressing to work there as a Registrar in the Department of Renal Medicine. She subsequently entered Higher Speciality Training in Nephrology on the ICHMT SpR Scheme, training in Cork University Hospital, Galway University Hospital, St. Vincent’s University Hospital and Beaumont Hospital.

Her plan to pursue additional training abroad was disrupted by illness, but not her interest in patient-centred research, patient-centred clinical practice and her tremendous love of music, family, friends, and life in general.

In 2013 she defended her PhD Thesis ‘Vascular calcification and mineral bone disorder in chronic kidney disease’ based upon research performed under the supervision of Professor Joe Eustace. Her ability to pursue this research was supported by the UCC Medical Alumni Professor Denis O’Sullivan Clinical Research Fellowship and the Irish Nephrology Society Research Bursary.

Sinéad had exceptional empathy with patients, many of whom remember her with tremendous affection and respect to this day. She is held in equal esteem by a multitude of multi-disciplinary colleagues across many clinical sites in Ireland. Sadly, and whist working as a Consultant Renal Physician in her beloved Cork University Hospital, her illness returned and she passed away in July 2016. She is remembered in UCC by the Dr Sinéad Kinsella Medal, awarded annually on the basis of an adjudicated Clinical Case Presentation by an Intern training in the South Intern Network.

In 2019 she was amongst the first 20 Irish Women Doctors recognised by the Women in Medicine in Ireland Network (#SundayWiMIN).

She is very fondly remembered by many within the Irish Nephrology Society and beyond.

Liam Plant